Partner with Zillow to produce an experiential organic promo campaign featuring celebrity athletes.
We partnered with Zillow to conceptualize, produce and execute the production of a National online promotional campaign featuring All-Pro’s Richard Sherman and Bobby Wagner of the Seattle Seahawks. This was Zillow’s first attempt at partnering with athletes from any sport to create a piece similar to shows you would see on “House Hunters” or any HGTV variety show.

We were tasked with casting actors from the Seattle region who weren’t fans of the Seattle Seahawks. We worked directly with casting agencies and carried out an audition at the Zillow Headquarters in Downtown Seattle. After thoroughly vetting and selecting our actors, we began organizing logistics.
The Hook
The goal was to have our actors, who were San Francisco 49er fans, believe they were spending the day with a real estate expert while trying to find a new home. What they didn’t know was that these “experts” would be Seattle Seahawk legends, Richard Sherman and Bobby Wagner.

The Execution
Location #1
We found two homes strategically aligned with our logistical challenges. Our first task was to have our actors interview as if they are looking for a home and why they don’t like the Seahawks, primarily Richard Sherman.

Location #2
While that occured, Richard Sherman met at a drop off point and was transported to our first location where our actors await their “real estate expert”.

Location #3
Simultaneously, Bobby Wagner was transported to drop off point #3 where he awaited our cue to be picked up.

Location #4
After both athletes surprised our actors, we toured each home where our “real estate expert” Richard Sherman did his best at teaching the future home buyers about the selected homes.

We told this story by securing multiple locations, transportation, check-points and arranged a crew of more than 20 members. Our development and pre-production phases covered writing, location scouting, casting and production coordination. Our shoot day crew ranged from technical directors, lighting teams, production assistants, drone operators, multi-camera operators, hair and makeup, photographers and many more. Our post-production team worked in tandem with Zillow’s Producers to deliver a final product which was the highest performing video YTD (2017) for the Zillow Company with the fastest organic growth in its history.